grow your faith
Living in Christ is not a Sunday activity or a church activity, it is a lifetime of daily growth and sanctification.
We have put together a list of trusted resources for you to consider as you pursue “a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called…” (Ephesians 4:1)
This is by no means an exhaustive list of enriching Biblical resources. If you would like a recommendation on a specific subject, don’t hesitate to reach out to Kevin Weaver ([email protected]) or Andy Euler ([email protected]).

Bible and Theology
(commentaries, doctrinal books, hermeneutics)
This is one of the best study Bibles available that brings together a team of renown biblical scholars to help readers grasps all of God’s Word. [Purchase]
This is an accessible and clear introduction to systematic theology. [Purchase]
This is a great introduction to systematic theology from a confessionally reformed perspective. [Purchase]
This book provides incredibly valuable information about every book in the Bible including content, historical coverage, emphases, overview, specific advice for reading each book, and a walkthrough of each book. [Purchase]
This 12-volume commentary set brings together a team of excellent scholars to provide an accessible commentary for the entire Bible. [Purchase]
This book provides great tips and tools for interpreting Scripture. [Purchase]
The Christian Life
(devotional, prayer, repentance, worship, discipleship)
This classic collection of Puritan prayers is a great resource to enrich your prayer life and heighten your view of the glory of God. [Purchase]
This book walks through the story of the Bible while highlighting God’s plan of restoring his people back into his presence. [Purchase]
This small book explains a simple and yet profoundly impactful method for praying the Words of God. [Purchase]
This book inspires readers to value the practice of prayer so that we can connect with the God we were created for. It also provides practical guidance for enriching our prayer life. [Purchase]
This classic book explores the wonderful truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. [Purchase]
This short book helps readers understand the biblical idea of discipleship and how we can carry forward God’s mission by making disciples. [Purchase]
Marriage and Family
(raising kids, family ministry, marriage)
This book explores God’s good design for marriage and the benefits that the biblical portrait of marriage brings to a broken world. [Purchase]
This classic book helps parents see that raising children is much more about cultivating their hearts for the love of God than it is about mere behavior modification. [Purchase]
Renown biblical counselor Paul David Tripp walks readers through gospel-centered principles that set the foundation for God’s vision of parenting. [Purchase]
This book brings together a team of scholars to explore family ministry from a variety of helpful vantage points. [Purchase]
This book is an extended meditation on the spiritual reality that grounds human marriage, which is that marriage is meant to be a living picture of the loyal love between Christ and his people. [Purchase]
Christian Worldview
(apologetics, social issues, and current events)
This book helps us understand the religious worldviews of our day and the search for Biblical truth. It includes understanding of biblical Christianity, Marxism and secular humanism. It covers theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, psychology, sociology, law, politics, economics and history. [Purchase]
This book views a biblical worldview from the perspective of creation, fall, redemption and restoration. It gives very specific examples of the importance of a biblical worldview in everyday life. [Purchase]
This is Al Mohler’s daily podcast of current events from a biblical worldview. Mohler is the President of The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY.
This book is an introduction to presuppositional apologetics. Presuppositional apologetics is a reasoned defense of Christian beliefs based on recognizing our presuppositions. These presuppositions are grounded in God’s Word. [Purchase]
This book is about the necessity of the follower of Christ to develop the Christian mind. By this phrase, Moreland means a disciplined, well-developed intellect that is trained in and dedicated to the truth revealed in Jesus Christ. [Purchase]
A introduction to apologetics which argues for the power of Scripture in defending our faith. [Purchase]
The Church
(church history, ministry, missions)
A classic book that gives an overview of church history. Highly recommended for a brief overview of church history. [Purchase]
This book traces the history of theological doctrines using the framework set forth in Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. Great for anyone wanting to know how Christian belief has developed through the centuries. [Purchase]
J.I. Packer’s classic book on how we are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and understand how God sovereignly bestows His salvation on those who would believe. [Purchase]
An introduction to the mission movement in the world today. [Purchase]
Baxter was a Puritan who wrote on what it means to be a pastor in the local church. [Purchase]
As the title suggests, this book covers 9 Marks of a healthy church which help us understand what a healthy church should look like. [Purchase]
Recommended Ministries
(websites and organizations)
This is the ministry of John Piper. It includes sermons, articles and other helps.
Acts29 is a church planting organization. Included in this website are pertinent articles for church planting.
This is the ministry website of RC Sproul, who is now with the Lord. There is a variety of Reformed theological articles, sermons and tools.
This is the ministry of Mark Dever, pastor in Washington DC. There is much material on the local church
Precept Austin is a website that is very helpful in Bible study. There is a plethora of study guides concerning all the Bible.