Living Acts Church Tyler, TX Homepage


Sundays-10:00 a.m.

4010 S. Donnybrook (in the Dance-N-Drill building)


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- Our strongest calling as a church in the Tyler area is to be Christ to those around us. We cannot emphasis our mission and goals in any other way than to say that we are called to be the "presence" or aroma of Christ to those around us. Our main goal as leaders is to disciple and send out. We place one of our highest emphases on our missional/incarnational role as a church. - 2 Corinthians 2:15

- We strive for unity in the Spirit. This is based from Jesus' prayer in John 17. He laid a large emphasis on this outcome. We must do the same. Though we have no intention in watering our message down or expensing truth for unity, we must strive for unity in truth and to that end we labor. - John 17:22

- We are also laity-driven. The one man show is long over. We have a plural-elder led church that strives to help those members in the body grow and mature so that the "work of the ministry" is being truly done by those in the seats (so to speak). - Ephesians 4:12

- "S" stands for spiritual. We are "spiritual" people. We must live as we are. Spiritual formation is also an essential key to our goals. Our church aims to build all up in Christ to the highest stature (Colossians 1:28; 2 Corinthians 5:16,17; 1 Corinthians 2:15).

- We are empowered evangelicals. We will not just stay in our safe little church building. We must leave and invade the culture with the gospel of Christ. We plan on doing all we can - through the Spirit - to accomplish this.



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