1. Spiritual Intimacy - As a church we will always place the highest importance on an ever-increasing level of intimacy with our Lord Jesus. Spiritual formation through the disciplines are essential for discipleship.
2. Gospel-Centered - As a church we feel that the Scriptures are focused on Christ's life and work in bringing us to God. Everything we do as a church is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. Social Servitude - It is always our aim to not just "exist" but to serve and be a loving hand to all of those that we encounter. Our first act of duty as a church is to live sacrificially for God's glory.
4. Holiness - We live in the world but are not of the world. Although we understand the importance of "being all things" (1 Cor. 9:22) to men, we also understand the importance of personal and communal sanctity.
5. The Spirit-filled Life - All of life requires us to seek constantly to live by the Spirit and to earnestly desire all that he has for us to equip us for his Name's sake.
6. Missional/Incarnational Living - We call this "the presence". We believe by being transformed by the Gospel as a cultural community we can then transform community by influence.
7. Life Together (Gospel Unity) - We strive to build a love for the family and a community where we can all be edified and cared for by one another and perform the greatest evangelistic action of the church - "love for one another".