Why does Tyler need another church?
The reason we started this church was to first of all to promote a reformed understanding of the Gospel. We share the views of men like John Piper, J. I. Packer & Mark Driscoll (among others). We are not the first. We also felt the need to unite with this the Spirit-filled aspect that many of our members share. So this Word & Spirit combo, we feel, is badly needed in today's church. In short, deep theology meets the deeper life (or Calvin meets Tozer). We only pray that in all this people are brought closer to Christ and lives are transformed by him. We also want to turn the church (as we know it) inside out and be more a spiritual community than a business. We also see our members as missionaries to our city and not just pew-sitters and tithe payers. Sin is getting worse and worse the more we do nothing and this is our small token for Christ's cause.
We really love Jesus! Every ministry or function we have is to help people either come to Him or grow even more in love with him. That is it!
What makes Living Acts different?
Our church is not better than other churches, but we do have our distinctives. Much of these can be found on our statement of faith (Beliefs). Church has become stale and routine for many. Our goal is to ignite a fire under believers so they can return to a truly passionate love for the Bride of Christ as God would have it to be. The Church
What does “reformed” mean?
To be reformed is to first of all seek to explain and have everything defined by the theology of God first. We start with God and his attributes and do everything in such a way as to help others see his great glory (Soli Deo Gloria). Also we believe that justification is by faith alone and not of works. We cannot boast in our salvation because we are saved because of God’s gracious gift of faith (Sola Fide). Also, we understand that all of life is grace. We live, breath and move all because God works in us to will and to do his pleasure (Sola Gratia). All of our rules, doctrines and governments are derived from scripture alone. Everything we do and teach must be derived from the Holy Scriptures and not human imagination (Sola Scriptura). And finally we aim at the glory of Christ who is to receive preeminence in all things. We are not man-centered, but Christ-centered and seek to show him off in all things (Sola Christus).
Are you charismatic?
What does it mean to say that our church is a charismatic church or that I myself am a charismatic Christian? Read More
What does “missional” mean?
To be a missional church means that we realize that while God’s Word does not change, culture does. This means that in the peripheral matters we study our culture to see how best to reach the lost and engage the society. Our members are missionaries and are to live as such. As we grow as a body each one of us will come to realize our giftings and callings and the leadership of the church is there not to “lord over”, but to encourage and give oversight to all. Missional Mandate
How can I be a member?
We have a process that we want all who are wishing to be members go through. We explain our theology, vision and values and also meet with you personally so as to answer questions and get to know you more. See our Membership Page.
Are you guys a denomination?
Our church has our primary affiliation with Acts 29 Network, which we are full members of. Acts 29 Network is a church planting organization that seeks to transform lives by the gospel and unite like-minded churches together for that cause. Although it is not a denomination, it is designed to be more a family of churches sharing resources and ideas for the kingdom as well as providing accountability and oversight for their churches. We are also affiliated with the Baptist General Convention.
When do you meet?
Living Acts Church meets every Sunday at the Dance... Read More
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